Almost everyone loves music. You probably know a lot of people who want to make music. Therefore, they begin to learn to play musical instruments, for example, the piano, guitar, organ, and many others. And many people give it up quickly.
Here is a list of the five most popular reasons why people quickly quit learning to play an instrument. We will share ideas on how to deal with these causes.
Unrealistic goals
As with any training or assignment, it is essential to set goals. When you start learning to play an instrument, goal setting is essential. One of the mistakes most beginners make is setting unrealistic goals. When they fail to achieve their goals, it leads to frustration, leading many to drop out of school. It’s essential to set realistic goals for yourself.
Fear of mistakes
Many people who stop learning to play the instrument are afraid and ashamed of their mistakes. Learning to do something is a process during which you can make mistakes, which is entirely normal.
This is becoming a popular reason for discontinuing training. However, those who are less stressed and more relaxed about the learning process will continue to learn and make progress faster than others. Think of exercise and lessons as a pleasure rather than something you are forced to do. Exercising and training to a professional level can take years. Mistakes are not scary; everyone can make mistakes.
No time for training
It is crucial to devote enough time and effort to training. If you think you may not exercise or that you will achieve good results by touching the instrument once a week, you need to rethink your strategy if you want to make progress. Many people don’t practice enough hours, so they lose their enthusiasm when they see they can’t do it. Learning takes time and regular exercise several times a week. It is simply impossible to learn to play in one day.

You don’t dedicate enough time to it
Yes, discipline is essential. If you want to become a real pro, you must forget about missing classes and enjoying good weather instead. Your efforts will pay off in the future, we guarantee.
You can’t afford to buy a good instrument
A good instrument can be pretty expensive. However, even professional musicians don’t always have expensive instruments.
This cannot be a serious justification. Today the Internet is replete with ads like “I sell used musical instruments”. Sometimes very good ones come across. You just need to bring it home and invite a tuner.
You can, if you wish, find a used instrument for a budget price. If you search, of course.
Do not rush!
It is important to be able to enjoy small changes in your technique. Small steps uphill are better than marking time.
When a person comes to the gym, he does not expect that the next day his body will change; he is determined to work for a long time and notice the slightest changes in himself. It’s the same with music.
Forget about the final goal and concentrate on the immediate results
Even one note can sound beautiful, and the student must learn to enjoy it. After all, if you learn to play one note with pleasure, then later you will learn the second. And when you tie them in general, the beauty will turn out. Work on exercises should be a kind of meditation. You don’t have to wait for the end of the exercise but enjoy the process.
Divide training into parts and plan clearly
Learning music is multifaceted; this includes playing scales, ear training, sight-reading, and improvisation. Divide your class time into segments and devote each of them to a different activity. You can also divide a large piece into chunks and practice one at a time, perfecting it, instead of playing the entire piece over and over again completely, making mistakes in the same places.
Don’t avoid complexity
You will notice what is most difficult for you in the process: some special places in the piece, improvisation, chord building, or singing. Do not avoid this, but rather devote more time to working out these particular moments. When you meet your “enemy” face to face and fight back, you become better. Seek out your weaknesses mercilessly – and make them your strong points!
People often choose simple solutions. Although learning to play a musical instrument is complex and requires complete concentration and dedication, many cannot follow these rules for a long time. Nevertheless, if you invest your time and effort, the result will surprise you pleasantly.