At what age can you start teaching your child?

We teach children to play drums from 12-13 years old, vocals – from 14-15,
playing the guitar – from 10-12. Keyboards can be learned
even the smallest – from 5 years old.

When can I sing / play professionally?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict in advance. It all depends on you even more than on us. Learning time is influenced by your background, dedication, and the time you are willing to spend on hands-on training. Also discipline, discipline, discipline again! After a few sessions, it is possible to make the first predictions of the duration of the course. On average, the course lasts 40-50 lessons – this is the optimal number for training.

What is the class schedule?

The lesson schedule is individual and discussed with the teacher.
You can book regular lesson times according to the purchased subscription: one, two or three times a week. Other students will not be able to occupy your time while you prepay your membership.

Types of occupations

You have 3 options for going to school:
Subscription – valid for a month from the first lesson.
Self-study – two are included in the subscription. If necessary, you can buy it at the price of 50 UAH per lesson. You can buy independent lessons only within the framework of a valid subscription.
One-time lesson – you can buy it at any time and in any quantity.

I have a certificate, what should I do?

Congratulations! Your certificate is valid for 3 months, so it is better not to postpone, but immediately sign up for classes. You can do this through the website or call us during the administrator’s working hours.